Deanna Minich is a nutrition scientist and author of The Rainbow Diet.
In this episode, you’re going to learn why the colors of food matter beyond aesthetics, how different food colors support specific organs and body functions, which foods are best for brain health and memory, how polyphenols help with stress resilience and gut health, and why dietary diversity is crucial for overall well-being.
[00:00] Introduction
[02:35] What eating the rainbow really means
[03:15] How colors in food have functional benefits
[04:05] The connection between color and the body
[05:02] Why red foods are linked to a stress response
[06:10] How red foods impact inflammation and immunity
[07:30] When red foods can be pro-inflammatory
[08:45] The link between red foods and adrenal health
[10:20] Why polyphenols help plants and humans with stress
[11:15] The effect of environmental stress on plant nutrition
[12:05] Why organically grown foods have more polyphenols
[13:20] How red foods support seasonal immune health
[14:35] Understanding the functional role of orange foods
[15:55] The link between orange foods and reproductive health
[17:10] How different shades of food colors affect the body
[18:05] The impact of blue, purple, and black foods on the brain
[19:40] Why blueberries are studied for memory and cognition
[21:00] The difference between blueberries and blackberries
[22:15] How purple foods support brain function and learning
[23:30] Why anthocyanins are important for the gut-brain axis
[25:10] The best way to preserve polyphenols in purple foods
[26:30] Why frozen blueberries retain their nutrients
[27:20] How boiling affects anthocyanin content in foods
[28:15] The health benefits of purple potatoes versus yellow
[29:40] Why yellow foods are linked to mood and happiness
[31:00] The neurotransmitter content in food
[32:10] Why serotonin is found in bananas and pineapples
[35:20] Why melatonin in plants plays a different role than in humans
[38:10] The problem with isolating plant compounds for supplements
[39:40] How curcumin works differently in whole turmeric
[40:25] Why dietary diversity is critical for gut and brain health
[41:30] The 30-50 plant variety goal for an optimal gut microbiome
Melatonin is for more than just sleep, it’s a multi-tasking hormone! Find out more in Deanna’s Melatonin Guide.
If you want to connect with Deanna, follow her on Instagram and Facebook and visit her website.
Deanna’s Books:
The Rainbow Diet: A Guidebook to the Science and Art of Colorful Foods for Health and Well-Being | Book
The Rainbow Diet: A Holistic Approach to Radiant Health Through Foods and Supplements | Book
Whole Detox | Book or Audiobook
The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing | Book
Chakra Foods for Optimum Health | Book
An A-Z Guide to Food Additives | Book
Resources Mentioned:
The Microsetta Initiative (Formerly The American Gut Project) | Website
Evolutionary Changes in the Content of Dehydrogenase System Metabolites as a Mechanism of Adaptation to Cold in Higher Vertebrates by Kolosova, O et al. | Article
A Review of the Science of Colorful, Plant-Based Food and Practical Strategies for “Eating the Rainbow” by Minich, D | Article
Find more from Michael on the Rebel Health Tribe’s Website and Instagram and be sure to join their Facebook Group.