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July 29, 2019

MegasporeBiotic Benefits: Learn About Benefits of the World’s Best Probiotic Supplement

Microbiome Labs’ MegaSporebiotic is the first 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic supplement clinically shown to improve leaky gut syndrome in just 30 days. Spore-based probiotics benefits are much more effective than conventional probiotic supplements on the market because they are designed to survive through the harsh gastric system, colonize, and increase microbial diversity in the gut. Because these spores are so multi-functional, they can support a variety of functions in the body. This unique all-spore formula effectively reconditions the gut by increasing microbial diversity and encouraging the growth of key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy.


Ingredients of MegaSporebiotic, the Top Probiotics Supplement

MegaSporeBiotic contains 5 strains of Bacillus including: Bacillus subtilis HU58Bacillus clausii SC-109, Bacillus coagulans SC-208, Bacillus indicus HU36, and Bacillus licheniformis SL-307. All 5 of these strains were originally isolated from a healthy human gut at Royal Holloway University of London by Simon Cutting. The “HU” in the strain number represents Holloway University, and the “SC” represents Simon Cutting. The original bacterial strains are kept in a bacteria bank at Royal Holloway University of London.  When it is time for production, the bacteria are checked again for proper characterization and DNA-verified to be the correct strains.  Those strains are shipped individually to a pharmaceutical-grade fermentation facility, where they are grown to the quantities required and then shocked back into their spore form for 100% spore delivery. MegaSporebiotic also contains cellulose from acacia wood fiber that acts as a prebiotic for gut bacteria. The 5 spores and cellulose are encapsulated in a vegetarian capsule made of cellulose from pine trees and water.

The strains in MegaSporeBiotic can range in color from white or yellow in appearance to black or gray in color. When mixed together, capsules can contain black flecks or a yellow hue. The blended powder is completely natural and unbleached, so color variation is quite common from batch to batch. This product is routinely tested a minimum of 4 times before it reaches the end consumer. MegaSporebiotic is a pure fermentation extract and with nature there is no color uniformity.

Why Bacillus in a Top Rated Probiotics Formula?

Bacillus spores are naturally designed to survive digestion. The reason for their inherent survivability comes from their bi-phasic life cycle. This means that the Bacillus spores can transition interchangeably from their dormant form to their active form, depending on the environment. In its dormant spore form, Bacillus will surround itself with an endospore, which is a tough, natural outer shell that protects it from light, heat, pressure, acid, lack of oxygen, and other environmental factors.1 This key feature is what allows MegaSporeBiotic to survive easily through digestion without the need for enteric-coated capsules or refrigeration. Once it reaches the intestines, MegaSporebiotic can increase microbial diversity by changing the pH, crowding out unwanted pathogens, and increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids. Due to its inherent survivability and lasting health benefits, MegaSporeBiotic has become a revolutionary tool in achieving Total Gut Restoration.

Probiotics Function

According to research by the National Institute of Health, the definition of a probiotic is as follows:

  1. The organism must be a normally occurring organism in the digestive tract.
  2. In order to consistently trigger a healthy boost in immune function the organism must be supplemented in concentrations higher than what normally occurs in the digestive tract.
  3. The organism must be able to survive in the digestive tract as well as in the environment.

Interestingly enough there are almost no probiotics in the marketplace that meet all three of these criteria besides MegaSporebiotic which is why it is a top rated probiotics formula. The spores used in MegaSporeBiotic have been shown to effectively modulate the immune system, reduce intestinal inflammation, and even reduce biomarkers of leaky gut syndrome.2-4

MegaSporeBiotic contains 5 pharmaceutical-grade strains that each have unique function and thus contribute to the overall effectiveness of the product.

Megasporebiotic Ingredient: Bacillus indicus HU36

The first carotenoid-rich probiotic strain offered to the dietary supplement market. B. indicus HU36 produces high levels of powerful carotenoids (antioxidants) at the site of absorption.5,6 Supplemental carotenoids do not survive the gastric system well; however, HU36 has demonstrated the ability to survive the stomach acid and produce the carotenoids at their site of absorption in the gut.  This makes the carotenoids produced by HU36 the most bioavailable supplementary carotenoids in the marketplace.

Megasporebiotic Ingredient: Bacillus clausii SC-109

Bacillus clausii is among the most commonly used probiotic strains for bacteriotherapy in a variety of applications. It has been used in the pharmaceutical industry for over 50 years with high efficacy and excellent tolerability. One of the first commercial probiotic products ever launched into the market was the prescription product Enterogermina® by Sanofi-Aventis in Italy in 1958. Since the onset of clinical use of B. clausii in 1958, there have been a number of clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy and safety. Bacillus clausii is recommended for immune modulation and use during antibiotic treatment due to its ability to mitigate damage from a variety of common antibiotics.7 MegaSporeBiotic has the unique function of remaining effective when used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy to keep the organisms balanced in the gut. As a potent immune modulator, B. clausii has been shown to significantly reduce allergic symptoms in children with recurrent respiratory infections.8,9 In these studies, a Th1 (T-helper 1) bias was observed showing that ingestion of B. clausii could enhance the cellular immunity in allergic children who normally carry a Th2 bias.


Megasporebiotic Ingredient: Bacillus subtilis HU58

Bacillus subtilis has been extensively studied on a genetic and functional level. There are several probiotic products in the pharmaceutical and agricultural markets that utilize this powerful probiotic. One very interesting function of Bacillus subtilis is its ability to produce nearly 12 strong antibiotics that are potent fighters of opportunistic and harmful bacteria.10 Bacillus subtilis HU58 offers MegaSporebiotic the ability to prevent harmful bacteria growth in a variety of conditions. In addition, B. subtilis HU58 produces a very beneficial proteolytic enzyme called nattokinase. Nattokinase is secreted from active cells of Bacillus subtilis and has been shown to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and excessive clotting through fibrinolysis.11 Along with nattokinase, Bacillus subtilis HU58 also produces a number of other nutrients that have systemic health benefits such as the full spectrum of B vitamins and vitamin K2 (MK-7).12 Bacillus subtilis HU58 offers MegaSporeBiotic the important function of fighting off pathogenic bacteria and producing key nutrients directly in the gut. In addition, Bacillus subtilis HU58 is an extremely potent immune modulator.3 It has the function of germinating in the small intestines to some degree and this offers the effect of broad-spectrum immune stimulation.13 Bacillus subtilis HU58 has been shown to ferment dietary starches into short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as butyrate, acetate and propionate which have effects in variety of health conditions.14 Butyrate is the major energy source for colonocytes and has been studied for its role in nourishing the colonic mucosa. Studies indicate that butyrate may play a significant role in the prevention of colon cancer and amelioration of intestinal inflammation.15 Therefore, a greater increase in SCFA production, specifically butyrate, in the distal colon may have a protective effect on the digestive tract.

Megasporebiotic Ingredient: Bacillus licheniformis SL-307

Bacillus licheniformis is a ubiquitous organism that has been consumed by and exposed to humans for millions of years. A probiotic often found with Bacillus subtilis and other Bacillus species, B. licheniformis produces a number of important compounds, including the common antibiotic bacitracin.16 This is a thermostable antibiotic that is also resistant to enzymatic degradation, which makes it very effective in the gut. B. licheniformis produces this antibiotic in the presence of pathogens, and it is very effective against pathogens like Vibrio spp. In addition to the antibiotics, it produces a very stable protease enzyme that assist in the digestion and absorption of proteins.17 Lastly, B. licheniformis also produces the full spectrum of B vitamins in the gut, including folate and biotin, and acts as an important nutrient factory in the digestive system.12

Megasporebiotic Ingredient: Bacillus coagulans SC-208

Bacillus coagulans has a long history of use for its health benefits in humans. Bacillus coagulans is very unique in that it possesses characteristics of both Bacillus and Lactobacillus species. Unlike other lactic acid-producing bacteria, B. coagulans produces L-lactate which has been shown to have a more profound effect on immune stimulation and gut defense than D-lactate produced by conventional probiotics.18,19 Lactic acid-producing bacteria have been extensively investigated for their role in the gut microbiome, and they appear to play an important role in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. B. coagulans is a strong colonizer in the gut and also plays a key role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, like lactose and dietary fats.20 B. coagulans possesses the potent ability to soothe intestinal inflammation through the production of butyrate, aid in digestion, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.21

Probiotics Benefits and Leaky Gut Research

While many companies rely on single strain research to support their multi-strain probiotics, it’s important to look for human clinical trials performed with finished products. MegaSporebiotic was used as the treatment in a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the ability of the probiotic to reduce or prevent metabolic endotoxemia, or leaky gut.4 In addition to assessing changes in dietary endotoxemia, the researchers also measured transient changes in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, other novel disease risk biomarkers, and the immune system itself, following a high-fat challenge meal.

Metabolic endotoxemia is an innate immune response that results in sub-clinical, low-grade inflammation due to elevated circulating endotoxins. The primary endotoxin of concern is lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS is a major component of the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria residing in the gut. In fact, the majority of the microbes in the digestive tract are gram-negative bacteria, including Clostridium spp., Enterococcus spp., Escherichia spp., and Bacteroides spp. Trillions of commensal bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract contain LPS, and when these bacteria die, they release LPS into the intestines. This process happens quite frequently, as many bacteria die off during a meal, but LPS remains harmless when it is kept inside the intestines. It is not until LPS reaches the intestinal lining and enters circulation that it begins to trigger low-grade inflammation. Once inside the circulatory system, LPS can trigger innate immune activation and subsequent inflammation anywhere in the body. LPS can delay gastric emptying, slow bowel motility, disrupt ghrelin function, inhibit testosterone production, reduce serotonin, and so much more. Metabolic endotoxemia could very well be the primary driver of most chronic illnesses plaguing the western world.

In the Leaky Gut syndrome study involving MegaSporeBiotic, healthy volunteers were screened for an endotoxic response to a high-fat challenge meal. If they showed an endotoxic response, they were enrolled into the study and randomized into either the placebo group or treatment group. They consumed the placebo treatment or MegaSporebiotic for 30 days, with no other interventions or lifestyle changes. After the 30 days, they reported back to the lab for their “post-treatment” response and received a second challenge meal. All the same blood work was run to assess their levels of endotoxemia. The data showed a clear shift to a protective microbiome after just 30 days of supplementation with the Bacillus spores. The post-test challenge in the treatment group showed a drastic reduction in endotoxemia. Interestingly, the placebo group progressively worsened. These top rated probiotic spores are likely the most promising therapy for leaky gut, as no other probiotic supplements or compounds have demonstrated this effect. Collectively, the findings of this study demonstrate a significant blunting of LPS, triglycerides, and systemic inflammatory markers IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, IL-1β, and IL-12 following a 30-day period of supplementation with MegaSporeBiotic. This study is the first to demonstrate that a short-term probiotic intervention can alter leaky gut in human subjects.

MegaSporeBiotic is currently involved in over 10 active clinical trials investigating its therapeutic effects on acne, triglycerides, liver protection, periodontal disease, cancer immunotherapy, weight loss, hepatic encephalopathy, and more with exciting results that are presently awaiting publication.

New Megasporebiotic & IBS Study

Microbiome Labs is excited to announce the publication of their most recent study, Bacillus spores – A Promising Treatment Option for Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This prospective, randomized clinical study took place at a medical center in Romania and included 90 patients with IBS. Subjects were separated into 3 groups of 30 and given one of three treatments for 34 days.
The first group received 10 days of antibiotic treatment with rifaximin followed by 24 days of a nutraceutical containing Bifidobacterium longum, prebiotics, and vitamins. The second group received MegaSporeBiotic for 34 days, and the third group received 10 days of antibiotic treatment with rifaximin followed by 24 days of a low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols. IBS severity scores, quality of life, and rectal volume sensation were measured at days 1, 10, 34, and 60.
IBS severity scores examined the severity of abdominal pain, number of days with pain or distention, and the impact of each on quality of life. Quality of life evaluated functional status (physical and social functioning, physical and emotional problems), well-being (mental health, vitality, and pain), and general health assessment (general perception of health). Rectal volume sensation tests are conducted with expanding balloon catheters to measure sensory thresholds. Elevated sensory thresholds are characteristic of constipation and fecal incontinence.
The results showed that treatment with MegaSporeBiotic reduced the IBS severity score better than rifaximin with the nutraceutical and similarly to rifaximin with a low-FODMAP diet. MegaSporeBiotic had a similar beneficial effect on rectal volume sensation as the other treatments and a significantly better effect on quality of life compared with rifaximin plus the nutraceutical or a low-FODMAP diet. If IBS is linked to dysbiosis, these results demonstrate that MegaSporeBiotic has the capacity to reduce gut dysbiosis to a similar degree as antibiotic treatment.

Indications: Symptoms of People Who Might Consider Probiotics Benefits-

  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Food Allergies
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Candida Overgrowth
  • Parasitic Infection
  • Clostridium difficile Infection
  • Helicobacter pylori Infection
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO)
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Infertility
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy
  • Recent Antibiotic Use

Advantages and Benefits of Megasporebiotic

Most probiotics on the market contain some combination of Lactobacillus and/or Bifidobacterium. However, these products are often single strain-single effect probiotics that have a difficult time surviving the harsh environment of the gastric system. The strains found in MegaSporebiotic are gut commensal organisms that are uniquely built to survive harsh environments like the digestive system, which is what allows them to effectively colonize in the gut.

MegaSporeBiotic differs from other probiotics on the market in a number of ways:

  1. Survivability – MegaSporebiotic contains 5 strains of Bacillus that have been shocked back into their resilient spore form. In this form, the bacteria are impervious to heat, light, acid, pressure, radiation, and lack of oxygen.1 This unique feature allows MegaSporeBiotic to naturally survive the harsh gastric system.
  2. Leaky Gut Repair – MegaSporeBiotic has been clinically shown to heal leaky gut in a matter of 30 days without any additional interventions, making MegaSporebiotic one of the most effective leaky gut solutions on the market today.4
  3. Carotenoid Production – Carotenoids are the beneficial antioxidants found in colored fruits and vegetables. However, carotenoids from dietary supplements are poorly absorbed, and most people do not eat as many colored fruits and vegetables as they should. For these reasons, supplementation with a carotenoid-rich probiotic is highly important. These beneficial bacteria produce high levels of carotenoids right at the site of absorption, thus allowing for optimum uptake into the body.5,6
  4. Increased Microbial Diversity – The bacterial strains in MegaSporebiotic have been shown to significantly increase microbial diversity in the gut in a SHIME study awaiting publication.
  5. Competitive Exclusion – The spores found in MegaSporeBiotic have the ability to detect harmful and opportunistic pathogens through a method known as quorum sensing. This allows the spores to identify and crowd out any unwanted pathogens in the gut.1
  6. Immune Support – Studies show that Bacillus subtilis promotes the development of GALT, which is critical to the formation of a properly functioning and robust immune system.22MegaSporebiotic also supports the immune system by stimulating Peyer’s patches, as well as Toll-like receptors, in order to improve pattern recognition, increase circulating T and B lymphocytes, and upregulate regulatory T cells. The end result is a healthier gut lining and a stronger immune system that is better equipped to handle unfavorable lifestyle and environmental factors that can lead to conditions like asthma, allergies, autoimmunity, and infections.
  7. Metabolic Reconditioning – The latest research has shown that the type of bacteria in the gut can dictate food cravings and even calorie extraction from ingested foods.23 These effects are realized by turning on crucial genes in the digestive tract that control our metabolic fate. MegaSporeBiotic, in conjunction with a higher protein, low sugar, and fiber-rich diet, can reprogram the body through the modification of key genetic activation to favor fat burn, reduce fat accumulation, and increase energy metabolism, satiety, and blood sugar regulation.

Suggested Use

While there is no known upper limit for MegaSporebiotic, the ideal dose is 2 capsules per day in order to stimulate the Peyer’s patches and encourage immune modulation. MegaSporebiotic is most effective when taken with a meal, but it will not cause an upset stomach if taken without food. The amino acids and carbohydrates in food can help the spores move from their dormant (spore state) to their active (vegetative state) form in the GI tract, so it is ideal to take MegaSporeBiotic with a meal. Because the encapsulated probiotics are in their spore form, they do not need the capsule in order to survive digestion. For this reason, the capsules can be pulled apart, and the powder can be mixed into nearly any food or drink for convenience. MegaSporeBiotic is temperature stable, so it can even be mixed into hot tea, coffee, or soup. There is no real taste impact of the powder, which should make it easier to administer to children.

Titration Schedule

MegaSporeBiotic is a very potent probiotic, and for this reason, we recommend starting very slowly with ½ or even ¼ capsule and slowly increasing to the target dose of 2 capsules per day for anyone over the age of 3 years old and 1 capsule per day for infants and toddlers. If the child appears to be sick or getting sick, you can increase to 2 capsules per day. The target dose of MegaSporebiotic is not determined by weight or age but by the development of the gut microbiome, which is fully formed around 2.5 years of age.24

  • Start with ¼ or ½ capsule with food and slowly increase to 2 capsules per day using the following the protocol:
  • Week 1: Take ½ capsule every other day
  • Week 2: Take ½ capsule daily
  • Week 3: Take 1 capsule daily
  • Week 4+: Take 2 capsules daily
mega spore

Note: MegaSporeBiotic is a very potent probiotic that can crowd out pathogenic bacteria and may therefore result in die-off symptoms. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: bloating, abdominal cramping, gas, changes in stools (drier, harder stools or loose, watery stools), temporarily worsening seasonal allergies, changes in energy levels, and more. MegaSporebiotic is extremely effective at reconditioning the gut microbiome, and as a result, it is very common to feel the effects of this transition period. Please note that this change is positive and a sign that MegaSporebiotic is working. Loose, watery stools are most common when starting MegaSporeBiotic, as the spores begin to crowd out pathogenic bacteria. As these pathogens die, they release a high concentration of toxins into the gut, which the body compensates for by increasing water retention in the intestines in order to flush these toxins out of the system.

This transition period should only last 3-4 days. If these mild die-off symptoms last longer than 5 days or are too intense, then your dose is likely too high and you are experiencing a strong die-off reaction. For the sake of comfort, you can decrease your dosage and continue at a slower pace, you can add Mega IgG2000 to help soak up the additional toxins, or you can power through the transition phase. Your titration depends entirely on you, your health goals, your medical history, your lifestyle, and your own preferences. As with any health recommendation, there is not one size that will fit every need. Consult your healthcare practitioner for an individualized treatment plan.

If ½ capsule every other day is too strong, try starting with ¼ capsule or just a pinch of the probiotic powder in some cases. Highly sensitive individuals may want to take with Mega IgG2000 from the start.

MegaSporebiotic is safe and highly recommended during pregnancy and nursing. If the pregnant or nursing mother has severe inflammatory conditions or yeast issues, they should titrate up slowly to avoid a strong detox reaction.


At about 21 days, the Bacillus strains found in MegaSporeBiotic will begin to reach a steady state concentration in the gut. This is when it’s important to consume a diet low in refined sugars and higher in fibers to facilitate the growth of the one’s own beneficial bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic can be used alongside any other products from Microbiome Labs. Adjunct probiotic supplements like RestorFlora and HU58 can be taken in conjunction with MegaSporeBiotic in order to increase the efficacy and crowding out of pathogens. MegaSporeBiotic is safe to take with digestive enzymes, betaine HCl, antibiotics, and even activated charcoal. MegaSporeBiotic is most effective when taken with the other products in the Total Gut Restoration system, MegaPre (to REINFORCE the beneficial changes from MegaSporeBiotic) and MegaMucosa (to REBUILD the protective mucosal barrier in the gut).


Nature has designed these spores to be a daily, foundational food. They are transient microorganisms, which means that they don’t stay in the gut forever. Instead, they enter the intestines, perform a function, stay for about 21-28 days, and then leave. This is important as this helps keep their abundance in the gut microbiome relatively low, making each dose of MegaSporeBiotic very effective. While most people notice the benefits of MegaSporebiotic within the first 14-28 days, this spore-based probiotic will be most effective if taken at the full suggested dose of 2 capsules per day for 2-3 months or until unwanted symptoms subside. Reconditioning the gut health microbiome after a round of antibiotics or following a severe gut infection may take 4-6 months. Unlike most probiotics on the market, MegaSporeBiotic will not lose efficacy after a few months, so there is no need to rotate it with other probiotics – which is a marketing ploy and has no basis in science.

The recommended time to stay on the full dose of MegaSporeBiotic will vary by individual, but there is no known upper limit or contraindications to taking MegaSporeBiotic at the full dose indefinitely. Due to the transient nature of Bacillus probiotics, long-term use is suggested but daily use may not be necessary for maintenance. Once the problematic symptoms have subsided, there is always an option to drop down to a maintenance dose of MegaSporebiotic. When working towards a maintenance dose, it’s important to continue taking 2 capsules together in one day. However, the frequency can be slowly decreased from 2 capsules daily to 2 capsules every other day, then 2 capsules every 2 days, and ultimately 2 capsules on the weekends.

While this maintenance dose is available, most people find that daily use provides the best results, as many people damage their gut microbiomes on a daily basis.

megaspore biotic


There are no real contraindications for the use of MegaSporebiotic. However, it’s important to understand that this probiotic is a powerful immune modulator. New evidence suggests that autoimmune conditions are the result of an immature and untrained immune system, rather than an overactive immune system, but anyone taking immunosuppressant medications should speak with their physician before taking MegaSporebiotic in order to weigh the benefits.


Found naturally in the environment for millions of years, Bacillus spores have developed a symbiotic relationship with their human host. Our ancestors derived probiotic benefits from inadvertently consuming Bacillus spores on a regular basis. In fact, the oldest bacterial spore ever documented was 250 million years old and found inside salt crystals in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Though it sounds like science fiction, scientists were able to isolate and grow the 250-million-year-old spores!


Frequently Asked Questions about MegaSporeBiotic

What is MegaSporeBiotic and what are probiotics?

MegaSporeBiotic is the first 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic clinically shown to improve leaky gut in just 30 days. Spore-based probiotics are much more effective than conventional probiotics on the market because they are designed to survive through the harsh gastric system, colonize, and increase microbial diversity in the gut. Because these spores are so multi-functional, they can support a variety of functions in the body. This unique all-spore formula effectively reconditions the gut by increasing microbial diversity and encouraging the growth of key health-promoting, commensal gut health bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy.

What differentiates MegaSporeBiotic from other Probiotic supplements?

Bacillus spores are naturally designed to survive digestion. The reason for their inherent survivability comes from their bi-phasic life cycle. This means that the Bacillus spores can transition interchangeably from their dormant form to their active form, depending on the environment. In its dormant spore form, Bacillus will surround itself with an endospore, which is a tough, natural outer shell that protects it from light, heat, pressure, acid, lack of oxygen, and other environmental factors. This key feature is what allows MegaSporeBiotic to survive easily through digestion without the need for enteric-coated capsules or refrigeration. Once it reaches the intestines, MegaSporeBiotic can increase microbial diversity by changing the pH, crowding out unwanted pathogens, and increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids. Due to its inherent survivability and lasting health benefits, MegaSporeBiotic has become a revolutionary tool in Total Gut Restoration.

What health issues or ailments does MegaSporeBiotic support?

MegaSporeBiotic supports a wide array of indications. Individuals who might consider taking MegaSporeBiotic may have one or more of the following indications:

  • Leaky Gut
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Food Allergies
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Hashimoto’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Candida Overgrowth
  • Parasitic Infection
  • Clostridium difficile Infection (C. Diff)
  • Helicobacter pylori Infection (H. Pylori)
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO)
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Infertility
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy
  • Recent Antibiotic Use

What is the shelf life of MegaSporeBiotic & how do I store it?

Research suggests that MegaSporeBiotic has an indefinite shelf life; however, due to regulations and policies for natural health supplements MegaSporeBiotic is considered shelf stable for 5 years. Spore form probiotics have a long shelf life due to their natural state; potency is assumed to remain stable if they remain in their natural dormant state.

MegaSporeBiotic does NOT need to be refrigerated. For optimal potency, supplements should be kept in a cool and dry place.

Who should be taking MegaSporeBiotic daily?

It is not required for MegaSporeBiotic to be taken daily; however, most customers find they feel healthier taking MegaSporeBiotic daily or on a maintenance schedule after they have completed a clinical plan or gut restoration protocol.

Should I take this supplement with or without food?

The amino acids and carbohydrates in food help the spores in MegaSporeBiotic move from their dormant (spore state) to their active (vegetative state) form in the GI tract. There are enormous immune benefits if the spores are made to germinate into their vegetative state in the upper GI itself. Taking it even shortly after a meal is beneficial.

Is MegaSporeBiotic effective on its own or is it recommended to consume with other products?

Research suggests that MegaSporeBiotic produces great benefits as a stand-alone supplement. If a customer has experience with a particular indication or health issue, it is quite common to follow the Gut Health Restoration Protocol.  Occasionally, clinical protocols will call for supporting supplements such as Mega IgG2000 for detoxification purposes or including Bacillus Subtilis HU58 for a more therapeutic probiotic dose.

Is MegaSporeBiotic safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes – there are several patients and individuals who have safely taken the product during pregnancy and nursing. If the pregnant or nursing mother has strong inflammatory conditions or yeast issues, it is ideal to start slowly to prevent a detoxification response.



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  2. Dound YA, Bayne T, Krishnan K, et al. The effect of Probiotic Bacillus subtilis HU58 on Immune Function in Healthy Human. Indian Practitioner. 2017;70(9): 15-20.
  3. Huang JM, La Ragione RM, Nunez A, Cutting SM. Immunostimulatory activity of Bacillus spores. FEMS Immune Med Microbial. 2008;52:195-203.
  4. McFarlin BK, Henning AL, Carbajal KM. Oral spore-based probiotic supplementation was associated with reduced incidence of post-prandial dietary endotoxin, triglycerides, and disease risk biomarkers. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. 2017 Aug 15; 8(3): 117–126.
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  6. Perez-Fons L, Steiger S, Khaneja R, et al. Identification and the developmental formation of carotenoid pigments in the yellow/orange Bacillus spore-formers. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2011;1811:177-185.
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  8. Ciprandi G, Tosca MA, Milanese M, et al. Cytokines evaluation in nasal lavage of allergic children after Bacillus clausii administration: a pilot study. Pediatr. Allergy Immunol. 2004;15(2):148-151.
  9. Ciprandi G, Vizzaccaro A, Cirillo I, et al. Bacillus clausii exerts immune-modulatory activity in allergic subjects: a pilot study. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005;37:129-133.
  10. Stein T. Bacillus subtilis antibiotics: structures, syntheses, and specific functions. Molecular Microbiology. 2005;56(4):845-857.
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