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August 29, 2022

Microbiome Series 2.0: Episode 3: Metabolism, Weight Loss, and Out of Control Food Cravings

Learn How Your Microbiome Plays A Major Roll In Metabolism, Weight Loss and Out-Of-Control Food Cravings. How this certain type of gut bacteria can almost force you to eat sugar! How can an imbalance in these types of gut bugs cause you to take more calories from food? Which foods you absolutely must avoid maintaining a healthy gut. How your microbiome can “fool” you into thinking you’re still hungry (even after a healthy meal). How to Avoid Dysbiosis-Related Metabolic Issues like diabetes, vascular disease, hypertension, fatigue and more.

By the end of this webinar, you will know…

  • How this certain type of gut bacteria can almost force you to eat sugar!
  • How can an imbalance in these types of gut bugs cause you to take more calories from food?
  • Which foods you absolutely must avoid maintaining a healthy gut.
  • How your microbiome can “fool” you into thinking you’re still hungry (even after a healthy meal).
  • How to Avoid Dysbiosis-Related Metabolic Issues like: diabetes, vascular disease, hypertension, fatigue and more.

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